Goken bridges the gap between Automotive OEM and New Suppliers

Written By : Goken America
Goken bridges the gap between Automotive OEM and New Suppliers

Case Study on how Goken helped a new supplier establish itself as a “go-to-supplier”

Automotive Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEM) often bring global suppliers onboard for their high-quality manufacturing capabilities. In some cases, these global suppliers may not have local design support or the necessary infrastructure to meet OEM’s requirements.

A Japanese supplier was recently onboarded for a new project with an OEM and needed to deliver a detailed design of parts with a compressed schedule. The workload was heavy, and its small design team was working overtime to meet the tight schedule, while still getting familiar with the OEM’s systems, processes, and expectations.

The supplier approached Goken as we have - a long-standing relationship with the OEM, the necessary infrastructure for design and development, and engineers with the necessary design experience. We held a 3-party meeting with the OEM design team and supplier team to understand the requirements. The technical lead at Goken assembled an engineering team to design 3D models and 2D drawings. This team coordinated with the OEM design team for design layout and with the supplier team for tooling and feasibility. Goken resources were allocated as needed based on workload requirements for each development phase.

Goken’s in-depth understanding of the OEM’s systems and processes was critical in helping the supplier to successfully meet key milestones within the compressed deadline. Goken was able to support the supplier with advance feasibility, thereby helping the supplier secure the contract.

Utilizing Goken’s resources and infrastructure resulted in cost savings for the supplier as they did not have to set up design infrastructure or hire full-time resources and train them. Goken’s design infrastructure, its highly skilled pool of engineers, and expertise with the OEM helped the supplier in delivering quality and cost-effective product to the OEM. In addition, the success of this first project has deemed the supplier as “go-to supplier” by the OEM.

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